Our Philosophy

At Amana, we believe...

  • play is a gift and the work of children, and it must be honoured, protected and embraced.

  • children are born learners and seek joy and meaning through authentic play and relationships.

  • all children are unique, capable learners, and learn best when the environment offers endless possibilities to support their natural curiosity and imagination.

  • children construct their learning and make sense of their world through play.

  • children need ample time to choose from a variety of learning spaces so they can discover, investigate, create ideas, persist and expand their work.

  • children are contributing citizens to society.

  • children need to engage in risky play so they can build their self-awareness and confidence.

  • pedagogical documentation is an essential element to learning as it guides our practice and programming through the process of listening, recording, and interpreting.

  • educators are co-researchers and learners alongside children during their exploration. They ask questions, collaborate and expand on children's ideas and interests to promote further inquiry, discoveries, and higher-order thinking.

  • learning is not limited to the indoor space and can take place in the richness beyond the classroom, which maintains the health and well being of children.

  • each child has their own language to represent their learning, and each has an individual journey they will embark on.

"Our task is to help children communicate with the world using all their potential strengths and languages, and to overcome any obstacle presented by our culture." Loris Malaguzzi


"My daughter had Ms. Amal as a teacher for about 4.5-5 months when she was at the Al-Salam preschool.  She is phenomenal, very student-focused, and is always learning to improve her skill set to give the students the best possible environment and guidance. My daughter learned so much in the short time that she was in her class.  She is a ray of sunshine, and I highly recommend her and her teaching methods. The children always come first!" Shereen

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